Jason Zeh
Jason Zeh
Jason Zeh
Jason Zeh

Jason Zeh (born in 1980, Ohio, USA) is an interdisciplinary artist whose work blends influences from long-time involvement in the underground, experimental music scene with performance art and computer programming. Zeh’s work grapples with the scraps at the edge of meaning: the noise and errors that are in the margins of any message. Current performance works deal with intimacy, confession, and identity. These works employ self-designed software, machine learning algorithms, and streaming platforms to create technological systems that offer the promise of communication. However, the unpredictable behavior of these hacked tools makes communication impossible.

While living in Kansas City, Jason Zeh founded the Circuit&Sinew performance art series and is excited to continue this work in Morgantown. Circuit&Sinew focuses on the relationships between sound, technology, and the human body. This series brings together local and touring artists to interrogate the ways humans and machines meld into hybrid formations.

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